Stop and Inhale

The truth is, it’s not about whether you’ve achieved all the success you’re wanting or whether you haven’t. It’s about the way you breathe into your life.

Great quote by Mattie Stepanek “Choose to inhale. Do not breathe simply to exist. That’s not always easy, but it is always worth it.”

What’s a word that describes how you want to breathe into your life?



Making a New Agreement With Money

So often I uncover old agreements, old beliefs, my clients have that clog up their flow of success. Maybe it looks like this for you…I’m not enough; it’s just a matter of time until people see I don’t know enough.

We convince ourselves that it’s truth…and it’s not truth.

I see it every day around money. You may not even know you have this agreement, but does something like this sound familiar?

I want more money, but not too much.

I don’t want to be one of ‘them’.

I want More for you.


You Can Create More Money Flow

money flowLet’s be real. There’s been so much uncertainty, stress and anxiety from all that’s happening in the world around us that’s it’s easy to not feel in a place of flow.

But it’s also a time of choice. We can open up the lens and choose to look at this time in new ways, with new perspectives.

When we get clear and intentional about what we want and then choose to be in a place of curiosity, beautiful, unexpected things can happy.

That’s how we innovate. That’s the energy we radiate that attracts our perfect clients, money and good opportunities.

Here’s to you turning on your Money Flow!


Rocky Road

It can be a rocky road out there! How about some love to help you on your journey? 

Share what helps you step out of the messiness and into MORE…and I’ll send love and light your way.





Embrace the Mystery of New Paths

You know what it’s like, right? You’re taking your steps, building your business, and then suddenly the path diverges and you have a new decision to make. You can stop short or embrace the mystery of this new path. 

What’s the choice that’s showing up for you?




You are a STAND OUT!

Great discussion at my professional networking group today ~ how to become the go-to person in your market by stepping outside your comfort zone and sharing your unique gifts–your way–like no one else does. 

What about you? How are you standing out from the crowd?





To win the game of life you have to overcome challenges. Any good game has pitfalls. Sometimes you can fall into a hellhole. 

You have choices.

Be Playful! Delve into all the unique dimensions of stepping into more. 

Fun is working your way around the board. 

What will you choose?  Stay stuck or be in playful curiosity?


Wealth Worthiness

We tend to define ‘wealth’ in many ways. We want it, but are we believing it will ever really be flowing our way?

Worth: To Be. Deserving. Having value. Uncountable abundance, Knowing.

Wealth: richness of resources. Plenty. Power. Sight. State of well-being.

Are you ready to embrace wealth and let the world see your worth?

Peace is Every Step

Sometimes your next step doesn’t look as you expected. Do you tend to overthink it, get overwhelmed and fearful or…do you ground yourself, get present and trust your intuition?
